Arrested For Walking In The Street?! Really?

Via: The Root

Video of a black Minnesota man being handcuffed for walking in a street near a sidewalk that was closed for construction is sparking social media outrage.

The video was filmed by a bystander and posted to YouTube. It shows a plainclothes Edina, Minn., police officer holding the man, identified as Larnie Thomas, by the collar of his jacket.

In the video, Thomas can be seen walking near the white line of the street shoulder before he is stopped by the officer. The bystander can be heard telling the officer that there was no other place for Thomas to walk, and that instead of detaining Thomas, the officer could have shown him where to go.

Instead, Thomas becomes agitated as the officer keeps his grip on him, insisting that the officer remove his hands. "People die in these situations," the woman recording the video can be heard saying to the officer. "It's scary."

How would you have reacted? Video contains explicit language